Staff Augmentation Strategies for Scaling Your Team

Staff augmentation is a flexible strategy that companies employ to bolster their teams with skilled personnel on a temporary basis. When you have projects that require specific talents your team might lack or when you need to scale up your workforce quickly, staff augmentation can be an ideal solution. This method allows you to tap into a global talent pool to find the expertise needed without the long-term commitment associated with traditional hiring processes.

While staff augmentation is a form of outsourcing, it differs in that it focuses on adding individual professionals to work alongside your existing team rather than contracting an entire team from a service provider. This means you maintain control over your projects, with the added benefit of specialized knowledge and skills brought in by augmented staff. This solution is particularly attractive during periods of rapid growth, product scaling, or when navigating short-term, expertise-driven initiatives.

By choosing staff augmentation, you strategically enhance your workforce capacity while avoiding the overheads tied to permanent employment. Additionally, this approach provides a flexible response to workload fluctuations, allowing you to adapt to project demands with agility. With staff augmentation, you can keep your projects moving forward efficiently, ensuring continuity and expertise at every step.

Understanding staff augmentation

Black woman working online

Staff augmentation is a strategy that allows you to add skilled professionals to your existing in-house team to meet business objectives. This approach is flexible and can be scaled to suit project requirements.

Defining staff augmentation

Staff augmentation is a model that involves the temporary hiring of experts to supplement the capacity of your in-house team. You may opt for this model when you need specialized skills that your current employees don’t possess or when you need to expand your workforce during peak periods without permanently increasing headcount.

  • Types of staff augmentation:
    • Short-term: This covers immediate needs for a project with a limited timeframe.
    • Long-term: This is for ongoing support, potentially without a set end date.
    • Skill categories:

Pros and cons of staff augmentation

When considering staff augmentation, it’s important to weigh the benefits and drawbacks.

  • Pros:
    • Flexibility: Easily scale your workforce to match project demands.
    • Control: Maintain direct oversight of augmented staff.
    • Efficiency: Quick onboarding process compared to hiring full-time staff.
    • Skill Access: Gain access to a broader range of skills and expertise.
  • Cons:
    • Cost: Can be more expensive than having a similar in-house role, particularly if requirements are long-term.
    • Integration: Augmented staff may require time to adapt to company culture and systems.
    • Over-reliance: Risk of becoming dependent on external experts for critical knowledge.

Comparing in-house, outsourcing, and augmentation models

You should understand the fundamental differences between staffing models to make informed decisions.

  • In-house:

    • Full control and integration into company culture.
    • Potentially high costs in hiring and retaining full-time employees.
    • Long-term knowledge retention within the company.
  • Outsourcing models:

    • Entire projects or functions are handled by an external entity.
    • Usually more cost-effective for non-core business activities.
    • Risk of less control and direct oversight.
  • Staff augmentation:

    • Blends flexibility of outsourcing with control akin to an in-house team.
    • Ideal for addressing short-term skill gaps or project-specific needs.
    • Retains knowledge in-house as augmented staff work closely with your team.

Implementing staff augmentation

Woman in a meeting talking and smiling

When you implement staff augmentation, you strategically enhance your team with skilled professionals, ensuring a seamless onboarding process and an efficient workflow. This targeted approach allows you to meet project management goals effectively and maintain clear communication throughout the project’s life cycle.

The recruitment process

Identifying needs: Pinpoint the specific skills and roles required for your project. This will guide you in seeking professionals who fit seamlessly into your team.

  • Role specification: Create precise job descriptions that accurately reflect the skill set and experience level needed.
  • Candidate search: Use various channels to find potential hires, including job boards, staffing agencies, and professional networks.
  • Screening and interviews: Conduct thorough screenings and interviews to evaluate the candidates’ technical abilities and compatibility with your team.

Choosing the right candidate:

  1. Technical evaluation: Assess the candidates’ technical skills through practical tests or assignments.
  2. Cultural fit: Ensure the potential hires align with your team’s culture and values through discussions and team interactions.
  3. Decision making: Make informed decisions based on the collected data from interviews and evaluations.

Onboarding and integration

Initial setup:

  • Documentation: Provide the necessary documentation, policies, and procedure manuals to acclimate new hires quickly.
  • Equipment: Supply hardware, software access, and other tools required for the job.

Onboarding process:

  • Orientation: Host welcome sessions to introduce new hires to the team and company culture.
  • Training: Design a training schedule that aligns with the project’s needs and the augmenting staff’s roles.
  • Integration: Facilitate meet-and-greet sessions and pair new hires with existing team members for mentorship.

Managing augmented staff workflows

Communication and collaboration:

  • Use project management tools and platforms to streamline communication within the team.
  • Regular meetings: Establish routine check-ins to discuss progress, address concerns, and synchronize efforts.

Monitoring performance:

  • Tracking progress: Utilize task-tracking tools to monitor the delivery and quality of work.
  • Feedback loops: Implement a system for providing and receiving feedback to foster continuous improvement.

Workflow optimization:

  • Role clarity: Clearly delineate responsibilities and expectations for each team member.
  • Process review: Regularly review and adjust workflows to optimize productivity and meet project goals.

Strategic considerations

When considering staff augmentation, it’s imperative to align your approach with strategic business objectives, maintain flexibility, and set clear goals. These actions ensure an optimal balance between current needs and future growth potential.

Setting clear goals and expectations

You must define specific project requirements and expectations before engaging with an external team. List the skills and experience your projects require, and communicate this with your staff augmentation provider so they can supply personnel that align with these needs.

  • Project management: Ensure a skilled project manager is in place to coordinate efforts between your internal team and the augmented staff.
  • Performance metrics: Establish clear benchmarks for success to evaluate the contribution of the augmented team effectively.

Flexibility and scalability of staffing

Staff augmentation offers the agility to scale your workforce up or down based on your current project demands. This strategic staffing method helps you adapt to changing requirements without the burden of traditional hiring processes.

  • Adaptability: Leverage the fluidity of an external team to meet peak workloads or specific talent needs.
  • Scalability: Plan for the expansion or reduction of staff in response to project progression or completion.

Aligning with business objectives

The success of staff augmentation is contingent upon its alignment with your broader business objectives. When selecting a staff augmentation provider, opt for one that demonstrates a thorough understanding of your industry and can supply a dedicated team that drives your business goals forward.

  • Strategic fit: Choose providers with a track record for strategically matching talent to business needs.
  • Long-term vision: Partner with providers committed to supporting your company’s growth trajectory.
Man in a suit holding a sign that says 'products and service'

When considering staff augmentation, you must assess the cost-effectiveness and legal obligations entwined with this staffing strategy. Understanding the financial implications and contractual requirements ensures informed decision-making for your company’s budget and compliance.

Evaluating cost-effectiveness

Cost Comparison: Examine the financial benefits of hiring temporary staff versus full-time employees. Consider the salary, benefits, and additional expenses, such as training and equipment.

  • Temporary Staff: You typically pay an agency an hourly rate that covers the employee’s salary and the agency’s fee.
  • Full-time Employee: Expenses include salary, taxes, benefits, and potential severance costs.

Contractual Agreements: When entering an agreement with a staff augmentation agency, you must scrutinize the contract to clarify terms of payment, duration, and responsibilities.

  • Ensure all confidentiality measures are in place through a non-disclosure agreement (NDA).
  • Confirm that the contract complies with relevant employment laws to maintain legal compliance.

Checklist for Contract Elements:

  • Scope of Work: Clearly defined tasks and expectations.
  • Duration: Specific start and end dates.
  • Payment Terms: Schedules and methods of payment.
  • Confidentiality: NDA and protection of sensitive information.
  • Compliance: Adherence to labor laws and regulations.

By carefully evaluating contracts and legal aspects, you ensure that staff augmentation aligns with your budget and adheres to legal standards.

Benefits and Risks

Work team posing for a photo

When considering staff augmentation, it’s crucial to understand how it can affect productivity and quality and how performance is measured. Properly implemented, staff augmentation can help you bridge talent gaps with highly skilled external talent and enhance your output.

Measuring Productivity and Quality

  • Productivity: You can measure the productivity of augmented staff by tracking the completion of project milestones and tasks. Productivity tools can provide quantitative data on how much work is being done and how quickly it’s accomplished.
  • Quality: Evaluate the quality of work through regular peer reviews and client feedback. Ensure that deliverables meet predefined standards and use clear communication tools to maintain or improve quality levels.

Feedback, Review, and Performance Metrics

  • Feedback: Engage with your augmented staff frequently to provide and receive feedback. This can take the form of one-on-one meetings, appraisals, or using performance management platforms for transparency.
  • Review and Performance Metrics: Utilize performance metrics to review the contributions of augmented staff systematically.

Incorporate these evaluation techniques to ensure the augmented staff’s productivity and the quality of their work align with your organization’s goals.

Choose Quickly Hire for your staff augmentation solution

Freelancer in her office with a laptop

As your business evolves, Quickly Hire adapts with you. Our model is designed to provide flexibility, control, and efficiency, crucial elements in today’s fast-paced business environment. We understand the importance of maintaining project continuity and expertise, and our goal is to ensure that your projects never lose momentum.


  • Alex McInnes

    Alex is Quickly Hire's content strategist and digital marketer. He's a New Zealand-born, Thailand-residing copywriter extraordinaire. Dad to two beautiful girls, Alex loves playing rugby, reading, and running with his soi dog, Effie.